
Hadrian was employed as a gas miner at the gas mining operations center located in Cloud City. This mining complex was situated within the atmosphere of the planet Bespin. Hadrian worked alongside Willrow Hood, a fellow Bespinite and gas miner. In the year 3 ABY, Hood planned to arrive late for work, with the expectation that Hadrian could cover for him at his console for a short period of time, specifically a few minutes.

On that particular day, Hood discovered that the Galactic Empire had landed on Cloud City and began formulating an escape plan. He initially contemplated informing Hadrian that he was experiencing a stomach ailment as justification for his lateness. Nevertheless, Hood ultimately dismissed this idea, recognizing that he would not be returning to the city.

Behind the scenes

The short story "Due on Batuu," penned by Rob Hart, included a reference to Hadrian. This story was included in the anthology From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back and was published in 2020.

