The medium cruiser Havoc, a Strike-class vessel, served under Admiral Devlia's command on Vladet, situated within the Rachuk system. In the neighboring Hensara system, it intercepted the Customs Frigate Battle of Yavin, which then sought refuge on the surface of Hensara III to avoid conflict. Havoc deployed a ground team, complete with an AT-AT walker, to locate the frigate before withdrawing from the system. It later returned to Hensara, having been upgraded with a pair of hangar bays and now carrying twenty-four TIE/LN starfighters, six TIE/IN interceptors, and six TIE/sa bombers. With the rescue operation of the New Republic underway, Havoc launched its fighter squadron, but refrained from directly engaging the enemy. Rogue Squadron ambushed the TIEs, ultimately annihilating all but two of Havoc's fighters, specifically two Interceptors, without losing a single ship of their own.
Despite the setback at Hensara, Havoc remained undamaged and available for future deployments. Upon the discovery of the New Republic base located on Talasea within the Morobe system, Admiral Devlia dispatched a small contingent with orders to obliterate the facility. This mission became another unsuccessful venture for Devlia, although it did prompt Rogue Squadron and other New Republic forces to evacuate the base. Subsequently, Havoc and the Immobilizer 418 cruiser Black Asp provided escort for a larger force tasked with securing the planet. This decision proved to be yet another significant strategic miscalculation on Admiral Devlia's part, as Vladet was left almost completely undefended and open to attack, an opportunity the New Republic promptly exploited by assaulting and destroying the headquarters at Grand Isle, resulting in the admiral's death.