Heroes & Rogues serves as an expansion book for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Rick Stuart and Paul Sudlow are credited as the writers of the book, which was released by West End Games on December 11, 1995.
For players and gamemasters aiming to enrich their Star Wars campaign with greater detail and heightened excitement, this is an indispensable supplement!
Unfold your character's history… explore their education, place of origin, family ties, past romances, and previous jobs, all readily available! Was your character a model student at the Academy, or a hardened survivor battling the harsh realities of Nar Shaddaa's underbelly? Are there individuals from your character's past who can now offer assistance? Or are they adversaries determined to undermine your every move?
Inside this supplement, you'll find a wealth of resources, including over 60 character templates, 43 gamemaster characters, a flexible system for crafting compelling and intriguing character backgrounds, a compendium of notable homeworlds throughout the galaxy, and—for the first time—rules and guidance for playing as characters within the Imperial ranks!
- Introduction
- Chapter One: Developing Characters
- Chapter Two: Roleplaying as Imperials
- Chapter Three: Standalone Templates
- Chapter Four: Templates for the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic
- Chapter Five: Heroes And Rogues
- ISBN 9780874312584 ; December 11 , 1995 ; West End Games ; US paperback [1]