House of Lorac

The ruling family of the planet Velmor was known as the House of Lorac. King Lorac and his wife, Queen Denira, were the heads of this family. Denid and Anod were their two sons. A Great Revolt in 17 BBY, which was set in motion by the Galactic Empire, caused the deaths of both the King and Queen, and the banishment of their oldest son, Denid. Anod, who supported the Empire, was spared. To declare Denid legally dead, allowing Anod to ascend to the throne, the laws of succession required a twenty-year waiting period with no communication from Denid. During this time, Zelor acted as the regent, overseeing Anod and continuing interactions with the Imperials. In 3 ABY, Denid came back to assert his claim to the throne, just before Anod's coronation. After his identity was verified, Denid ultimately became king. Zelor, with the intention of remaining in control of the planet, tried to assassinate Denid, but his scheme only led to his own demise and the death of Anod, leaving Denid as the sole surviving member of the House of Lorac.

