Hypersonic oven

A specific kind of cooking appliance was the hypersonic oven. The Artiodac cook once attempted to negotiate with a band of Jawas inside a sandcrawler located on the world of Arvala-7 to acquire a gently used hypersonic oven. During these negotiations, Tuggs observed a Mudhorn egg among the Jawa's items and ultimately traded an entire cargo container filled with various devices for the egg, rather than the hypersonic oven. Tuggs recounted this event in The Life Day Cookbook, his second cookbook, which came out sometime after his initial cookbook was published in 34 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The 2021 book, Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook, a collection of recipes authored by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak, included references to hypersonic ovens.


  • Star Wars: The Life Day Cookbook (Initial mention)

Notes and references
