Ian Lago, a male Human hailing from Naboo, was the offspring of Kun Lago, who held the esteemed position of Prime Councilor to King Veruna.

At times, Lago served as a page at the Royal Palace located in Theed, the capital city of Naboo. As the reign of the corrupt King Veruna drew to a close, he experienced love at first time upon seeing Padmé Naberrie, the then-Princess of Theed, in the Palace Plaza. Later, he volunteered at the spaceport docks of the Refugee Relief Movement, accompanying her and her parents on a journey to Coruscant.
During his brief romance with Padmé, [Kun Lago](/article/kun_lago], Ian's father, discovered their secret connection and even witnessed a kiss between them. Despite Ian's failure to disclose his father's influential role in Veruna's court to Padmé, she eventually learned of it independently. Consequently, Ian's father issued a stern prohibition, forbidding him from seeing Padmé again and threatening disownment should he disobey.

Ian was nearby when King Veruna abdicated the throne due to scandal and other political pressures. Before Padmé's official election to the monarchy of Naboo and subsequent ascension as Queen Amidala, Ian professed his love for her. Nevertheless, she ended their relationship to dedicate herself to the people of Naboo. Padmé, sensing the toll Veruna's abdication was taking on Ian's family, advised him to return home to them. While she would always cherish the time they shared during the summer and care for him, she had already pledged her heart to the people years ago when she left her mountain village.
With a heavy heart, Ian left Naboo for destinations unknown.

However, by the time of the Galactic Civil War, which followed the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, Ian Lago had returned to Naboo, assuming the role of governor for the planet. In his capacity as governor, Ian Lago openly demonstrated his allegiance to the Galactic Empire and collaborated closely with Junelle Astor, one of his aide. During this period, a spacer eager to serve the governor assisted Astor with various political matters. For example, she assigned the spacer the task of safeguarding Queen Kylantha from High Inquisitor Mal Sikander, who suspected the Queen of secretly aiding the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Eventually, Astor granted the spacer clearance and access to the governor's office.
Ian Lago was pleased to have the individual working under his command. The spacer's initial assignment involved delivering surveillance equipment to Eevas Drupper, one of his agents tasked with investigating reports of a group of Gungans assisting the Rebellion. Despite the spacer's success, Ian Lago soon encountered a problem with another of his agents, a Gungan named Boona Deeks. Deeks, loyal to the Empire, was aiding the governor by spying on traitorous Gungans. However, his allegiance was exposed by his fellow Gungans, forcing him to flee for his life. Deeks sought refuge inside the dead body of a bola for several days before being rescued by the spacer dispatched by Governor Lago.
Despite his support for the Empire, Governor Ian Lago was irritated by High Inquisitor Mal Sikander's persistent accusations of treachery against Queen Kylantha. When one of Sikander's agents managed to obtain the queen's private correspondence, he instructed the spacer to assassinate the traitor, hoping to send a clear message to the Inquisitor. The spacer carried out the task, but also had to capture a troubadour named Ryd Rozen, who had assisted Sikander's agent in stealing the queen's property. Eventually, Queen Kylantha did indeed end up supporting a group of Gungans implicated in treasonous activities. To diffuse the situation, Governor Lago tasked the spacer with traveling to the Gungan's camp and assassinating their leader, Yip Kanoos.
Subsequently, another situation arose involving Leana Kilnar, a lieutenant under Captain Rhys Dallows. Upon learning that Lieutenant Kilnar was under investigation by Sikander, Governor Lago instructed the spacer to eliminate her.