Ianna Wick, a shuttle pilot of the female persuasion, served the Galactic Empire. She and Tifino, a friend of hers, were once students together at an Imperial Academy. Even though she was the one that helped him get through the academy, Tifino advanced more quickly than Wick in the Imperial hierarchy. This was because his unit found a store of kyber crystals located on the moon of Jedha, which resulted in him being selected to serve under Director Orson Callan Krennic in the Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research division. They both went to an Imperial Ball on Empire Day, where they made the acquaintance of Calliope Drouth, a reporter for HoloNet News. Drouth purchased drinks for them and inquired about their jobs, suggesting that Wick ask Krennic for scout duties on Jedha. Later, she introduced Wick to the director upon their meeting.