A starship was piloted by IG-88, who was a droid bounty hunter. This starship was initially under the control of RB-919, a droid engineer and cyborg, and was staffed by various droids. Deva Lompop, a bounty hunter, hired RB-919 to fix IG-88, and they journeyed in the starship to an astronomical object that contained the junkyard holding the droid's broken parts. RB-919 repaired IG-88 onboard the vessel; however, the droid bounty hunter, acting on Lompop's instructions to eliminate those who were no longer useful, killed the engineer, destroyed the droid crew, and seized control of the starship.
IG-88 got in touch with Lompop, received the assignment to retrieve Han Solo, the carbonite-frozen smuggler, from Boba Fett, another bounty hunter, and then set off for Tatooine aboard RB-919's starship, but not before having a short battle with some pirates. After landing on Tatooine, IG-88 went aboard Fett's own vessel, only to be met by the bounty hunter, who disabled the droid and abandoned him on Tatooine. Because the fight with Fett had hurt IG-88 and stopped him from having to follow Lompop's orders, the droid bounty hunter flew RB-919's starship back to the junkyard where his remains had been found, planning to upgrade his programming. IG-88 went on to use it for his bounty hunting missions.