Slave I, which can also be written as Slave One, and is also recognized as Boba Fett's starship, was a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft that had been modified. It was utilized by the notorious Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett before the Clone Wars occurred, and subsequently by his unaltered cloned offspring, Boba Fett, during the time leading up to the Fall of the Republic and throughout the Galactic Empire's control. This vessel was originally manufactured by a subordinate division of Kuat Drive Yards, which was situated on the planet of Kuat.
The Slave I was a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft that had been subjected to modifications as early as its period of ownership under Jango Fett. During this period, the only obvious armament remaining from its original configuration was the tail-mounted blaster cannons, but he ensured that they were upgraded, enabling these cannons to be fired with enhanced accuracy.

Even during Jango's ownership, Slave I was a highly effective and personalized ship, boasting advanced shielding technology, remarkable resilience, and a combination of concealed and visible weaponry. When his son, Boba Fett, inherited the ship, he implemented his own alterations, equipping Slave I with robust shield generators, multiple new weapon systems, and a variety of supplementary sensor systems. Furthermore, a clandestine military sensor, capable of jamming and masking signals, allowed Slave I to evade detection by most scanning systems. The spacecraft was furnished with overwhelming firepower capable of neutralizing heavily armed vessels. Nevertheless, aside from the twin blaster cannons, the weapon systems were kept hidden to give the impression that the ship was only lightly armed.
Jango undertook significant modifications to Slave I after encountering several intense battles in space. Given that the original design of Firespray patrol craft was only intended for brief patrol missions, he incorporated basic crew quarters to accommodate his extended hunts. He also transformed the former police-regulation cages into coffin-like compartments that were less humane but provided better control over his prisoners. By the time Boba utilized the ship, Slave I featured what were described as "prisoner cages," equipped with six immobilizing bunks. Within the cockpit, sensor scopes presented readouts for the starship's navigation, atmospheric conditions, and weapon systems.
The interior of Slave I incorporated a deck positioned on a gyro system, enabling occupants to remain upright regardless of the ship's orientation. The vessel also featured a holoprojector in the main cabin, along with six seats for passengers. The artificial gravity on each deck adjusted according to the ship's flight mode.

Jango Fett commandeered Slave I during an assignment on Oovo IV, a prison moon that Firespray attack craft were used to guard. He equipped the craft with various armaments, including laser cannons, projectile launchers, and seismic charges. During Jango's ownership, the ship was deployed to travel to Ord Mantell and engaged in a dogfight above Geonosis against a Jedi starfighter piloted by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Following Jango's demise during the First Battle of Geonosis, the spacecraft passed into the possession of his son, Boba, who employed it throughout his unsuccessful pursuit to assassinate the Jedi Master who had decapitated his father, Mace Windu. Boba, along with his ally turned mentor Aurra Sing, Castas, and Bossk, journeyed to the planet Florrum aboard the ship to rendezvous with Sing's acquaintance, spice pirate Hondo Ohnaka. Subsequent to the arrival of Jedi Master Plo Koon and Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Fett and Bossk were apprehended. When Sing attempted to flee aboard Slave I, Tano jumped onto the ship's exterior and severed a wing using her lightsaber. Consequently, Sing lost control of the ship, resulting in a crash, with the Jedi presuming Sing to be deceased. Ohnaka extracted her from the wreckage and assumed ownership of Slave I for a brief period, before it reverted to Fett's ownership near the conclusion of the Clone Wars.

The ship gained notoriety among the galaxy's outlaws, who recognized it as the vessel belonging to one of the galaxy's most lethal bounty hunters. The ship underwent repairs at the Gall Imperial spaceport on one occasion. During the Galactic Civil War, the adult Boba piloted Slave I to meet with the Imperial fleet, where Darth Vader tasked Boba and a group of bounty hunters with capturing Han Solo. Boba trailed Solo and his ship, the Millennium Falcon, to Cloud City, landing Slave I on the East Platform. Following Solo's capture, Boba transported the carbon-frozen rebel to deliver him to Jabba the Hutt's custody at his palace on Tatooine.
During Fett's journey, however, he was diverted upon learning of the return of Nakano Lash, utilizing Slave I in his pursuit of his former ally to settle his personal vendetta. After resuming his mission to deliver Solo to Jabba, confident that Lash would perish, Fett eventually transported Slave I to the "smuggler's moon" of Nar Shaddaa, taking Solo to Doc Ragon to ensure his survival during his carbonite imprisonment. Short on credits, Fett consented to assassinate pit warrior Wyrmen Lictor in exchange for the service, but while Fett was absent, Ragon was murdered and Solo was abducted by agents of Crimson Dawn.
After the new leader of the organization, Qi'ra, sent a message displaying Solo to Jabba, the Hutt believed Fett had betrayed him and placed a bounty on Fett's head. On Nar Shaddaa, Slave I was the location of a trap set by bounty hunters Zuckuss and 4-LOM, yet Fett triumphed over them both. Hacking into 4-LOM's head, Fett utilized Slave I to return to Tatooine, where he discovered that Jabba was offworld and that Crimson Dawn had resurfaced. During the Attack on the Executor, Fett ultimately regained possession of Solo and journeyed to Tatooine to receive his payment. He also had a carbon-freezing chamber installed on the ship in case Solo thawed again and used it against IG-88B. After defeating the assassin droid, Fett finally sold Solo to Jabba and received his payment.

Following the war, with Fett presumed dead at the skirmish at the Great Pit of Carkoon, Slave I was stored in a hanger at Jabba's Palace, now under the control of Bib Fortuna. Eventually, Fett and his new partner Fennec Shand infiltrated the palace and reclaimed Slave I. Fett then utilized the ship to locate and destroy the Kintan Striders. From there, Fett flew to the Pit of Carkoon with the intention of recovering his lost armor. As Slave I descended into the pit, the sarlacc assaulted them, ensnaring the craft with its tentacles. Shand deployed a seismic charge into the sarlacc's maw, killing the creature and freeing the ship.
At a later time, Fett and Shand flew Slave I to the planet Tython, where they had tracked the Mandalorian Din Djarin and his Force-sensitive foundling, Grogu. After Grogu was kidnapped by dark troopers belonging to Moff Gideon, Fett flew his ship into Tython's upper atmosphere to identify Gideon's light cruiser. With Djarin's own ship destroyed and Fett now in Djarin's debt to help protect Grogu, Fett agreed to fly Djarin to Nevarro aboard Slave I as part of his plan to retrieve the child.

Upon departing from Nevarro, Fett transported Djarin and Cara Dune to the Karthon Chop Fields to retrieve Migs Mayfeld. Subsequently, he flew the party to Morak, where Djarin and Mayfeld infiltrated an Imperial rhydonium refinery, and Djarin accessed a computer terminal, providing him with the coordinates to Gideon's vessel. After the two men completed the mission, Fett rescued them from the refinery's roof. As Slave I was departing from the scene, it was targeted by two TIE fighters. Fett employed a seismic charge to obliterate the fighters.
Following the Morak mission, Slave I was utilized to attack Imperial shuttle 2743 carrying Dr. Penn Pershing, a scientist working for Gideon. Slave I then transported Djarin to Lafete to enlist Bo-Katan Kryze and Koska Reeves in the rescue of Grogu. After locating Gideon's cruiser and launching an attack on the ship, Fett engaged hyperspace according to the group's strategy. Some time after the mission's triumph, Fett collected Shand and landed Slave I on Tatooine. There, the two invaded Jabba the Hutt's former palace, assassinated Bib Fortuna, and assumed control over the remnants of Jabba's criminal organization.
Fett kept Slave I stored within the palace's hangar during his gang war with the Pyke Syndicate.
In the 2015 reference book titled Ultimate Star Wars, Slave I was mistakenly referred to as Clone 1 on two separate occasions. Since 2021, Slave I has been officially designated as "Boba Fett's starship" in official media, with this designation appearing across various forms of merchandise, individual works, and reference materials. The last published work to use the Slave I name before the wide-spread change was the book The Odyssey of Star Wars: An Epic Poem published on September 28, 2021, although it has since been used in several Star Wars Day-at-a-Time Calendar releases. In June 2021, a LEGO set of the ship that was soon to be released was renamed "Boba Fett's Starship". Similarly, the URL for the ship's entry on the official Databank was changed, though the entry itself remained titled Slave I. On September 19, 2024, the Databank entry was renamed to "Boba Fett's Starship" to match its URL, with no mention of the name Slave I. Despite this, the ship has not yet been officially renamed in canon.