Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack

The Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack serves as an addition to the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game created by Fantasy Flight Games. This expansion provides detailed miniatures representing the Gozanti-class cruiser, along with a pair of TIE fighter fighter complements. Its initial availability was December 23, 2015, and it was introduced as a component of the game's Epic Play variant.

Publisher's summary

Embark on a chase across the galaxy, hunting down the Rebel Alliance's secret operatives, with the Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack created for X-Wing™! Intended for use within both Cinematic Play and Epic Play game modes, the Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack contains a pre-painted Gozanti-class cruiser miniature, accompanied by a pair of TIE fighter escorts, eleven ship cards, and twenty-six upgrade options. Furthermore, this expansion also provides a collection of four all-new missions designed for Cinematic Play, which focus on a Gozanti tasked with the mission of intercepting and eliminating Rebel Alliance agents.


This Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack includes a total of three miniatures, along with a pair of maneuver dials and action tokens, as well as pilot and upgrade cards.

  • Ship components Gozanti-class cruiser miniature 2 blue TIE fighter miniatures Plastic base (2) Ship token (4) Maneuver dial (2) Critical Hit token Focus token (2) Evade token Shield token ID token (43-44) Target Lock token Stress token Cloak token
  • Title cards Requiem Suppressor Vector
  • Pilot cards Scourge Wampa Youngster Chaser Agent Kallus
  • Upgrade cards Ordnance experts Automated protocols Optimized generators Ordnance tubes Broadcast array Ionization reactor Shield projector Slicer tools Ion cannon batteries Quad laser cannons Gunnery team Tactician Shield tactician Dual laser turret Docking clamps

Notes and references

  • Imperial Assault Carrier on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Lying in Wait on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Epic Tactics on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Swarm Tactics on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • See the Movie. Fly the Ships. on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Begin Your Pursuit on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
