Imperial Saboteur

A saboteur Within the Imperial Remnant, Imperial Saboteurs represented a specialized class of soldier, extensively trained in the arts of demolition and sabotage. These soldiers, typically outfitted in resilient black armor that allowed for free movement, commonly carried a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, an E-11 blaster rifle, or a DXR-6 disruptor rifle. Furthermore, they utilized stealth field generators to achieve near invisibility, which aided them in bypassing enemy lines.


Throughout the Galactic Civil War, saboteurs were deployed across numerous locations in the galaxy. On occasion, they would collaborate with stormtroopers on worlds of strategic significance to the Disciples of Ragnos, a Sith cult supported by the Imperial Remnant.

Jaden Korr, a Jedi Knight under the tutelage of Luke Skywalker at his Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4, encountered several saboteurs during the course of his various missions. He successfully disrupted a number of the saboteurs' schemes, including their attempts to obliterate a power facility situated on Bakura, and detonate Tibanna gas reserves on Kril'dor. Saboteurs were also tasked with hindering Korr's escape from an Imperial facility on Dosuun and obstructing his pursuit of Rosh Penin on Taspir III. The ultimate fate of any remaining saboteurs following the downfall of the Disciples of Ragnos and the Imperial Remnant remains unknown.

