Imperial Weapon Research Facility

The Weapon Development Facility, also known as the Imperial Weapon Research Facility, functioned as a research installation for the Galactic Empire on the planet of Naboo during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Following the Battle of Yavin, the Empire constructed the Imperial Weapon Research Facility. This highly classified zone was heavily guarded. Stormtroopers and AT-STs formed its defensive forces. A resident of Kaadara, once stumbled upon the Facility after becoming disoriented while traveling from Theed to Moenia. The Naboo noble Roric V`lia, alongside his associate Vaik'anna Silverlight, engaged in activities connected to the Facility.

By 1 ABY, the Weapon Development Facility had evolved into a key battleground of the Galactic Civil War, with Imperial and Rebel forces engaging in repeated combat to secure control. While Rebel forces temporarily seized the facility on multiple occasions, Imperial forces consistently regained possession.

The superlaser installed on the Star Destroyer, known as the Conqueror, was a product of this research center. Within the facility were testing areas and manufacturing rooms, in addition to a primary control hub equipped with computer terminals holding data pertaining to the Star Destroyer. At that time, the Sith Acolyte, Namman Cha, served as its guardian. In 1 ABY, the Rebel Alliance's Renegade Squadron conducted a raid, overcoming Cha and obtaining crucial intelligence about the Conqueror. This information later enabled them to locate and destroy the vessel.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial Weapon Research Facility was a location featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. The Imperial Weapon Research Facility was changed into a "Factional NPC Base" with the release of the "Publish 1" update on August 3, 2003. Rebel player groups had the ability to attack Imperial NPCs and complete objectives to take control of the base.

