"Impregnable" is a tale found within Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 7, and it shines a spotlight on Bultar Swan.
Following a significant battle that occurred on Amaltanna, every single one of General Bultar Swan's clone troopers suffers defeat. The Separatist leader is secure within his stronghold. Swan, resolved to succeed, makes her way into the well-guarded estate. Paying no attention to the jeers of her enemy, Swan cuts through doorways, fights off waves of battle droids, jumps across vast openings, and navigates complex labyrinths, until she at last arrives at the impenetrable entrance to the leader's room. Reacting swiftly, she uses her lightsaber to disable the control panel, trapping herself outside, but simultaneously sealing the Separatist leader inside. As he observes the Jedi leaving his fortress, the leader resigns himself to his fate, realizing his secure room will become his final resting place.