Internal Activities Committee

The Internal Activities Committee functioned as a legislative body within the Galactic Republic Senate's Judiciary Committee. Think of it as closely related to the Senate's Ethics Committee. A key difference, however, was that the Internal Activities Committee possessed the authority to initiate criminal prosecutions against individuals. This committee operated throughout the Clone Wars period, spanning from 22 BBY to 19 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The concept of the Internal Activities Committee was newly established within the Star Wars canon through its inclusion in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 supplement for the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game. Previously, the Internal Activities Committee was part of the Star Wars Legends continuity, first appearing in Cloak of Deception, a 2001 novel penned by James Luceno.


  • Rise of the Separatists (First mentioned)

Notes and references
