
A male Paaerduag known as Ja'Gatcha hailed from the planet Sorjus, as it was called in Galactic Basic Standard. Leaving his homeworld behind, this being embarked on a journey across the galaxy. These travels led Ja-Gatcha to become marooned on Taris, a consequence of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Malak's Empire's attack on the Galactic Republic cruiser Endar Spire, which was promptly followed by a planet-encompassing blockade to capture the Jedi Bastila Shan. While trapped, Ja'Gatcha frequented Javyar's Cantina in the Lower City, facing questions and fending off ridicule.


During the era of the Jedi Civil War, Ja'Gatcha, a male Paaerduag, resided on the planet Sorjus as named in Galactic Basic. Intriguingly, this being originated as a pair of distinct individuals. However, mirroring the destiny of all within their species, these two entities eventually merged into one. Sometime prior to 3956 BBY, this unified being departed from their planet and journeyed throughout the galaxy. One such voyage brought him to the Outer Rim planet Taris for supply acquisition. Unfortunately, during this stopover, the forces of Darth Malak's Sith Empire, under the banner of the Dark Lord of the Sith, attacked the Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire while it was positioned above Taris, all in an attempt to apprehend the Jedi Bastila Shan. With the cruiser's destruction, a [blockade](/article/blockade-legends] was established, effectively quarantining the planet and compelling Ja'Gatcha to remain. Opting to seek refuge in [Javyar's Cantina](/article/javyar%27s_cantina] to circumvent the anti-alien regulations of the Upper City, Ja'Gatcha maintained a low profile and worked to deflect any mocking remarks. Revan, a Republic soldier, encountered Ja'Gatcha within the cantina sometime after Revan's crash landing on Taris. The Paaerduag, relieved by Revan's lack of condescension, shared details regarding his background, species, homeworld, and current predicament.

Personality and traits

Ja'Gatcha considered his [species](/article/species-legends] to be the "pinnacle of evolution" and consequently held a dismissive view of other species he deemed "lesser". However, this perspective was not universally shared, leading to insults directed at the Paaerduag. As a result, Ja'Gatcha exhibited a somewhat guarded and paranoid demeanor. Nevertheless, upon perceiving an individual's intentions as non-hostile and devoid of mockery, Ja'Gatcha would become more forthcoming and answer questions, albeit avoiding discussions about his home planet due to homesickness and the impossibility of returning. Ja'Gatcha's physical characteristics included [black](/article/color-legends] eyes and green skin covering the majority of his body.

Behind the scenes

Ja'Gatcha's sole appearance occurred as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Within the game, the player had the option to engage in conversation with him. However, the dialogue's nature was such that it neither advanced any plot points nor influenced the player character's alignment, leaving it ambiguous whether Revan ever interacted with the Paaerduag, whether he insulted Ja'Gatcha, or whether he sympathized with him.

