
Paaerduags, whose real designation proved impossible to vocalize in the standardized Galactic Basic Standard, existed as symbiotic organisms. They were composed of a sizable, yellowish, hunchbacked, bi-pedal entity, distinguished by a diminutive green, tetra-ocular being emerging from its dorsal region. A significant portion of their linguistics, notably the authentic designation of their native planet, remained unpronounceable or unintelligible to those outside their species. This was because the proper articulation and reception of their language necessitated a pair of oral cavities and a quartet of aural organs. The verdant head served as the communicator with other species, as the vocalizations of the other were imperceptible to most. Their planet of origin was Sorjus, a world located distantly from the Perlemian Trade Route. From the moment of their genesis, the two humanlike constituents existed as discrete individuals, eventually undergoing a process of integration as they matured. Observation suggests that the larger entity governed locomotion, guided by directional input from the smaller creature, enabling it to perceive its surroundings. Paaerduags were frequently observed during the period of the Jedi Civil War, and Revan encountered a pair during his journeys. One, named Ja'Gatcha, found himself stranded on Taris due to the Sith imposed quarantine. He was likely deceased when Darth Malak's spacecraft obliterated the planet's surface from outer space. The other, known as Mic'tunan'jus Orgu, functioned as a trader situated in Anchorhead on Tatooine.

