Jaguada, situated within the Jaguada system, possessed a single moon, making it unique among the system's planets as the only one capable of sustaining life. This satellite featured a Type I atmosphere, suitable for respiration by Humans.
The planet Jaguada's only moon orbited it, the only inhabited world in the Jaguada system. This system was situated within the Sith Worlds of the Esstran sector, itself located in the Trans-Hydian region of the Outer Rim Territories. The lunar surface was often bleak, frequently swept by strong winds that stirred up sand and other loose material, hindering movement. Its Type I atmosphere, though thin, was nevertheless breathable for Humans. Certain areas of the moon showcased steep cliffs composed of layered rock formations.
Once under the control of the Sith Empire, Jaguada's moon displayed remnants of their presence in the form of massive geometric constructions. These structures formed a complex on the lunar surface, later repurposed in 25 BBY by Dooku as the Separatist communications facility. Jula Shryne was responsible for transporting the hyperwave transceiver equipment to this location. The Confederacy abandoned the facility soon after the First Battle of Geonosis. As the Clone Wars neared their conclusion, the Galactic Empire seemingly ignored the moon while occupying Jaguada itself.
One month following the war's end, Roan Shryne, Olee Starstone, and several other survivors of the Jedi Purge arrived aboard the Corellian freighter Drunk Dancer, entering a stationary orbit on the moon's far side undetected by the Imperial troops stationed on Jaguada. They utilized a drop ship to descend through the moon's tenuous atmosphere, landing at the Separatist communications facility's landing platform.
Inside, they used the available equipment to access the Jedi Temple databanks located on Coruscant, the galactic [capital](/article/capital-legends] world. This action inadvertently activated dormant B1-Series battle droids and droidekas of the Trade Federation, which had been deactivated after the war.
Their activities were observed from the Temple beacon room by Armand Isard, the chief of the Imperial Internal Security Bureau, and his team of ISB technicians. They traced the group's location to Jaguada's moon and notified Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith. A large holomap appeared, displaying the Jaguada system, including the planet and its moon. Vader entered the hologram and indicated Jaguada's moon. Commander Appo provided Vader with information about the location, including the presence of an Imperial garrison on Jaguada. Vader then instructed Appo to order the garrison commander to pursue Shryne and his companions.
The assembled Jedi and smugglers then reactivated the droids, re-programming them to eliminate the arriving stormtroopers.
The Separatist communications facility, nestled in a narrow valley between two steep, striated rock cliffs, was originally a complex of ancient geometric structures erected by the ancient Sith. The cliffs bore thirty-meter-tall statues, resembling those found on Ziost and Korriban, which stood as silent sentinels overlooking the valley, their gazes fixed on the moon's eastern horizon. Scanners were unable to identify the metal used in their construction. Within the complex lay kilometers of arid corridors adorned with macabre statuary.
One particular corridor featured identical six-meter-high statues positioned in recesses on both walls. These statues depicted a mythical creature from antiquity, a hybrid of humanoid and winged beast. A hooded robe, partially obscuring its face, fell to its taloned feet. The statues were crafted from locally sourced stone, matching the striated rock of the surrounding cliffs.
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, a 2005 novel penned by James Luceno, marked the initial appearance of Jaguada's moon. The 2009 reference work, The Essential Atlas, pinpointed Jaguada and its moon within grid square R-5.