Jamson Freller, a male Human hailing from the planet of Esseles, was the leader of the Esselian New Order Party. He was a constant source of opposition for Cambira Ralle, the President of Esselian Hall.
On the date 36:2:8 GrS, Freller convened a press conference in Alabar where he requested that Ralle willingly step down from her position. Deena Mipps, a reporter working for Darpa SectorNet, provided coverage of this event.
During the period of the rawmat shortage of 1–2 ABY, when the Core Worlds were experiencing an economic downturn, Freller took advantage of Esseles' weakening economic state. He criticized Ralle's policy that permitted non-Humans to hold vital manufacturing positions on the planet, as evidenced by comments he made during an interview with Damatal Holonews. This line of attack significantly undermined the Forad Party's coalition government with the Cardean Party, and also weakened Forad's standing.
During the Esselian Hall election that took place during the New Year Fete Week of 2 ABY, the Forad Party lost its majority control of the Esselian Hall for the first time in twenty years, with Freller's party achieving substantial gains. Freller celebrated these gains enthusiastically at a gathering held at the Nurumbal Shrine, and subsequently called for a new election for the Presidential office.
Within the span of a month, terrorist actions carried out by the Faceless, an anti-Imperial group, in Grande Hyet and Tralee, further destabilized the political landscape on Esseles. This resulted in a strike by the Guild of Offworlder Skilled Laborers and a mass departure of alien populations from the planet. In the aftermath of the Faceless attacks, Freller issued a statement that ostensibly supported President Ralle, but also raised questions about her motives given the proximity to the Presidential election.