Jedi enclave (Corellia)

The Jedi enclave was a compact facility for Jedi training located on Corellia. It was founded sometime between the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War and the year 40 ABY, and it was managed by Jedi Master Corran Horn.


Removed from the activity of Coronet, the Enclave was composed of a central building with two single-story wings extending from it. Atop the primary structure was a spiraling tower. The wings contained small classrooms furnished with desks and adorned with posters depicting past Masters. Although there were Jedi instructors, protocol droids aided them in their teaching duties. The central tower served as office space and a communications hub, enabling Master Horn to communicate with the Temple situated on Coruscant.


During the Second Galactic Civil War, the Corellian government declared all Jedi to be state enemies. While on a mission to Corellia, Master Luke Skywalker gained unauthorized access to the Enclave, which was under lockdown, and instructed everyone inside to leave the planet. After evacuating the Enclave, the five younglings and the other Jedi went back to the Ossus Academy to continue their training away from the conflict.

