Jeelta Urdosh, a Hutt, functioned as a leading figure for one of the Three Families situated on Quesh during the period of the Galactic War that saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the revived Sith Empire.
During the Cold War, Jeelta, in collaboration with Portho Kaltemmic and Broga Masrii, established the Three Families. They severed ties with the Hutt Cartel to assist the Galactic Republic by supplying combat adrenals, which were derived from Quesh's venom.
In 3642 BBY, Jeelta learned of Portho's treachery against the Three Families, as he had sided with the Sith Empire. However, before Jeelta could enact retribution on the betrayer, a team of Imperial champions invaded their palace. Jedi Master Berin Fraal, appearing via hologram, instructed Jeelta to capture the intruders and hand them over. Jeelta promptly sought cover behind a ray shield as his enforcers and droids tried to overpower the Imperials. Despite their efforts, all were defeated, and the Imperials proceeded to overload the shield generators, resulting in Jeelta's electrocution and subsequent death.