Jerresk, a pirate, partnered with Nosstrick to target several shipments belonging to the New Republic. These actions resulted in significant bounties being placed on their heads, elevating them from members of the Hundred Club to the "Most Wanted" list.
Born on the planet Mon Calamari in 26 BBY, Jerresk gained notoriety as a pirate throughout the Outer Rim Territories. He commanded a small fleet that included a Corellian light freighter, a pair of scout vessels, and four Z-95 Headhunters. This Quarren employed intricate yet dependable strategies; each of his vessels was equipped with a hyperdrive and programmed with a pre-set hyperspace jump to ensure escape if an attack went awry. Every ship was assigned a different jump location, followed by a second hyperspace jump to the actual rendezvous point. This methodology allowed Jerresk to maintain the secrecy of his base's location.
The last recorded sighting of Jerresk occurred in the Fordon system, where he and his pirate crew ambushed a New Republic supply ship heading towards the Musson system. This assault marked the fourth in a series of raids conducted by Jerresk against the New Republic. In response, the New Republic offered a reward of 8,000 credits for Jerresk's capture, citing charges of piracy, theft of New Republic assets, and assault and battery.
Jerresk, a male Quarren standing at 1.8 meters in height, demonstrated competence as a commander, a talent for shrewd negotiations, and skill as a con artist.
Jerresk received training in the use of blasters, blaster artillery, and blasters mounted on vehicles. He also possessed proficiency in melee combat. His knowledge extended to alien species and languages, and he had a practical understanding of bureaucratic procedures and the criminal world.
Jerresk functioned as a pilot, capable of piloting small ships and starfighters, as well as operating the weapons and deflector shields found on smaller vessels. He also had the ability to navigate through hyperspace, ride animals, and control repulsorlift vehicles. Jerresk demonstrated skill in computer programming and repair, starfighter maintenance, demolitions, and bypassing security protocols.
Jerresk's weapon of choice was a heavy blaster pistol.
Jerresk made an appearance in Wanted by Cracken, a sourcebook published in 1993 by West End Games. The illustration of Jerresk was created by Mike Jackson.