
Jinby, also called "Jinbo," was a young girl without parents, born in the year 20 ABY. Her home was in Lund Gourley on the planet called Durkteel. Her upbringing occurred at Marn's Orphan farm. Marn saw to it that Jinby, along with the other children, received sustenance, were instructed at the Phirmist temple, and labored in the hemmel fields. Jinby's work there consisted of cultivating the hemmel crops, utilizing a hemmel reaper. From a young age, Jinby would share tales with her friend Mattis Banz about the heroes of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, such as Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Gial Ackbar, during the evenings and while working the hemmel fields. Mattis was inspired by Jinby's narratives to become a protector of younger orphans from bullies, and later, to enlist in the Resistance.

Similar to Mattis, Jinby would defend other orphans from those who bullied them. One instance involved her confronting a Saurian boy named Fikk. Fikk was holding a smaller Snivvian boy, Sol Charless, by his feet, threatening to drop him into the Splitter, a farming tool. Despite Fikk's meanness and greater strength, Jinby cautioned him to release Sol and attempted to pull Fikk over. When Mattis intervened by driving a Hemmel reaper toward Fikk, causing him to flee, Jinby demonstrated her quickness by catching Sol.

Jinby was a confidante of Mattis. When they reached the age of ten, Mattis shared with Jinby his belief that his parents had been heroes of the Rebellion and would one day return for him, after he became a hero of the New Republic. She did not share his optimism, but she eventually agreed to be supportive. Jinby was the only person Mattis ever told this to. Mattis had affections for Jinby, but he suppressed those feelings, and they remained just friends.

Personality and characteristics

Jinby was an intellectual person who valued logic, reason, and mathematics. She considered stories as a means of learning about the world, viewing them as lessons in morality. Jinby was known for her kindness and efforts to care for the other orphans. One example of this was holding Mattis Banz's hand at night and telling him stories to alleviate his loneliness and fear.

Behind the scenes

Jinby's initial appearance was in flashbacks within the children's book Join the Resistance from 2017, written by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker. In Join the Resistance, she is described as having three eyes. However, the comic Tales from Wild Space: Mattis Makes a Stand portrays her with only two eyes.

