Jioie Ancum, a female Human, aided the Alliance throughout the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Originally from Tuttin IV, Jioie went with her spouse, Tendis Ancum, to Beltrix III. Tendis had accepted a foreman position at a factory there after the Empire seized control of Tuttin IV, and Jioie became his assistant. However, their employment served as a facade for their true allegiance to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. They entrusted their son, Ryley Ancum, to the care of Shran Etison. Ryley, ignorant of his parents' involvement in the Rebellion, unknowingly transmitted coded messages to Keth Beamis on Beltrix III through his musical performances. Onjo Fegel, an Imperial operative originating from Tuttin IV, attempted to penetrate the Agency by posing as a member of the Far Cry band, but Ryley Ancum successfully alerted the Rebels in advance, thwarting Fegel's scheme. Ryley was both thrilled and astonished during his audition to discover that the cell's leaders were actually his parents, along with Tet Tramys, his music instructor. He gave no indication of recognition, thereby safeguarding their disguise.