Joclad Danva, a Human male, served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Knight during the declining years of the Galactic Republic. Danva, who mastered the Teräs Käsi fighting style, perished in the initial battle of the Clone Wars.
Early in his childhood, Danva's Force-sensitivity was discovered, leading him to be brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training in the Force. After graduating from the academy located there, a Jedi Master chose Danva to be their Padawan, traveling the galaxy and learning the ways of the Jedi through active service. After successfully completing his Trials of Knighthood, Danva was knighted and began his individual study along the path of the Jedi Guardian. This further study led him to become a master of the highly physical martial art of Teräs Käsi. Combined with his skill in Form VI of lightsaber combat, Danva was a powerful adversary in battle.

Danva often journeyed to Bunduki to participate in the annual Teräs Käsi competitions; however, he refrained from using the Force against his opponents, believing it would give him an unfair edge. He achieved this by severing his connection to the Force, a rare Jedi technique. During the 22 BBY Palawa Band Teräs Käsi tournament on Bunduki, Danva and the non-Force-sensitive martial artist Phow Ji were the final two competitors, having won all previous rounds. In a fierce final match lasting nearly an hour, Ji defeated Danva, using the victory to argue that the Force did not exist. After returning to the Jedi Temple from the competition, Mace Windu, the Master of the Order, summoned Danva to join a large Jedi strike team heading to Geonosis. Danva joined his fellow Jedi, flew to Geonosis, landed his starfighter on the planet's dusty plains, and marched into the Petranaki arena, where Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala were about to be executed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Following Windu's signal, Danva and the other Jedi spread out across the arena, activating their lightsabers and engaging the swarms of battle droids that filled the space. After a significant battle on the arena floor, Danva and the remaining twenty or so Jedi were given an ultimatum by Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy: surrender and join him, or die. The Jedi chose to fight the battle droids, preparing for a fight to the death, when Grand Master Yoda arrived with the Grand Army of the Republic. Danva had the chance to board a ship and escape the arena, but he died during his escape attempt.

Joclad Danva was well-known for his combat skills, both with two lightsabers and unarmed. As a lightsaber enthusiast, he was a highly skilled practitioner of Niman and Jar'Kai, and was considered among the most skilled duelists in the Jedi Order. His skill was so great that many of his sparring matches were recorded in the Jedi Order's archives, and he could hold his own against most Jedi in combat. Danva was a leading authority in the Order on the unarmed combat discipline of Teräs Käsi, and was a very skilled martial artist.
Kyle Rowling, who partially performed duels and stunts for Christopher Lee (Count Dooku) in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, portrayed Joclad Danva. Pablo Hidalgo named the character.