Joh's New and Used Droid Emporium thrived as a droid sales enterprise within the Cularin system. A booth was maintained at the Cularin Trade Show. Furthermore, another location was operational in Genarius during the SoroSuub Anniversary celebration, 31 BBY.
The Emporium had a presence within the galaxy itself, and also functioned as a meta-organizational element within the Living Force roleplaying campaign. Living Force players were required to submit a request to Joh's in order to acquire droids, and upon approval, Joh's would provide a certificate for the droid, which was programmed with a unique personality. Characters were limited to owning a single droid, and only those with a specific rank in the soldier class had the option to purchase a battle droid. As the campaign progressed, these limitations were relaxed, allowing characters to acquire uncertified droids independently of Joh's. Moreover, characters who possessed a ship equipped with a droid socket were permitted to own an astromech in addition to one other droid.