Jojo, identified as Red Four, served as a pilot within the ranks of the 24th Bombardment Squadron during the Battle of Doornik-319.
Due to an ion cannon blast, Jojo's K-wing became non-operational, leading to the forced jettison of all T-33 plasma torpedoes by the weapons officer. Despite this, Jojo was unable to regain control of the rapidly descending fighter, resulting in a collision between the K-wing and a Yevethan thrustship. The impact killed Jojo. Esege Tuketu, Jojo's wingmate and Red Leader during the battle, deeply mourned Jojo's passing, and was profoundly affected upon seeing Jojo's name appear on the casualty list aboard their capital ship.
The inability of Jojo and the weapons technician to respond after their fighter was crippled at Doornik-319 ultimately led to their demise when the ship collided with a Yevethan craft. Jojo was well-liked among the pilot community, and their loss deeply affected their friend, Esege Tuketu.
The character of Jojo receives a mention in a combat scene within Shield of Lies, a novel authored by Michael P. Kube-McDowell. Details regarding Jojo's species or gender are not provided.