The Journal of the Whills served as a chronicle of happenings within the cosmos. A long time following the Galactic Civil War, a certain being was given the duty of documenting occurrences that unfolded in the galaxy.
The journal's Verse 7:477 made reference to the Jedi Order, presenting a verse that pertained to the dark side and the light side of the Force.
Addar, an adherent of the Church of the Force, at one point viewed a holovid showing Brin Izisca reciting from the Journal of the Whills, though this person confessed to not grasping its meaning. The particular passage stated:
The Journal of the Whills' creation can be traced to the initial iterations of the Star Wars franchise, where George Lucas initially planned to employ the Journal as a narrative tool to bridge the Star Wars galaxy with our reality. Although this concept was eventually discarded, the Journal received mentions in various Star Wars materials, including the novel adaptation of the original motion picture, which, similarly to the novel adaptation of The Force Awakens, was penned by Alan Dean Foster. The Journal of the Whills was initially established as canon through the novelization of The Force Awakens, which commences with a citation from the journal.