Junavex Hotel

The Junavex Hotel was a lodging establishment located in the central district of Taris, operational by the era of the Great Sith War. In 3963 BBY, the Junavex Hotel became a focal point during the Mandalorian onslaught of Taris when a Taris Holofeed journalist and their team occupied the hotel's Senatorial Suite, broadcasting a real-time account of the siege. Ultimately, Mandalorian forces penetrated the Junavex Hotel, forcing their way into the suite and halting the broadcast.


The Junavex Hotel was a place of accommodation situated in the Middle City of the Outer Rim world of Taris. Solidly constructed, the Junavex Hotel featured a room known as the Senatorial Suite, which offered an excellent view of the urban landscape. The Senatorial Suite was typically inaccessible to ordinary Tarisians, reserved for Taris's senator, who in 3963 BBY was Haydel Goravvus.


The Junavex Hotel was already in business during the period of the Great Sith War and remained open throughout the time of the Mandalorian Wars. In 3964 BBY, a "friend of the family" of a Snivvian self-proclaimed industrialist named Baron Hieromarn, who was seeking investors for a fleek eel-centered business at the Upper City Market Street Outdoor Exchange, worked the night desk at the Junavex Hotel. It was mentioned in an issue of the Taris Holofeed that Hieromarn could be reached through this Junavex Hotel desk clerk.

The following year, as the Mandalorian Wars intensified between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorian warrior clans, the Mandalorians attacked Taris. As the Mandalorians besieged and plundered the planet, a Taris Holofeed reporter and their team were stationed in the Junavex Hotel's Senatorial Suite—which was now unoccupied, as Senator Goravvus had disappeared—as they watched and reported on the events of the battle. The journalist provided live coverage during the Mandalorian siege until the invaders ultimately entered the hotel, breaking into the Senatorial Suite and cutting off their broadcast.

Behind the scenes

The Junavex Hotel was initially referenced in The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, an in-universe news article featured on the last page of the comic book Knights of the Old Republic 0 that was published in 2006.

