
Kalinda was a space-based entity situated within the Mid Rim and also the Trailing Sectors. Its location was identified as grid square O-16 on the Standard Galactic Grid. A hyperspace route provided a link between Kalinda, the planet Naboo, and the heavenly body known as Kira.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to Kalinda within the current Star Wars canon occurred on a galactic chart featured in Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game. This was a roleplaying game boxed set, released in 2016 by Fantasy Flight Games.

The Kalinda system, along with the star named Kalinda, were first presented within the Star Wars Legends continuity through the roleplaying game adventure titled "Den of Spies." This adventure was authored by Richard and Barbara Clark, along with Janelle Keberle, for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was incorporated into the 1993 publication, Twin Stars of Kira.

