Kama bird

Kama birds were large avian predators that were naturally found on the savanna ecosystems of the lunar body known as Toshara. These birds primarily hunted young robuma, often hovering above their herds for a significant duration before attacking. Consequently, both cultivators of robuma and wild robumas developed methods to defend themselves against these kama bird assaults. The feathers of the Kama bird could be used as an emblem representing natural balance.

In the year 3 ABY, the rogue named Kay Vess acquired a charm made from a Kama feather from a human trader located within the Hutt Poaching Outpost situated on the world of Akiva.

Behind the scenes

The kama birds were featured in Star Wars Outlaws, a Massive Entertainment game released in 2024 by Ubisoft. Within the game's mechanics, players had the option to purchase a Kama feather token, an item that reduced the chance of wildlife spotting the player.

