Kane Griggs

Kane Griggs originated from the frigid planet of Kerensik, situated within the Botor Enclave; he was a Human male according to Legends continuity. He eventually left his homeworld to pursue higher education at an Imperial university, where he dedicated himself to the study of politics with aspirations of becoming a comfortable economist. He displayed a general lack of interest in Imperial doctrine and external disputes. During his initial year at the university, Griggs encountered Marfa Thorbin, an Alderaanian student, and they developed a strong bond, leading to his proposal of marriage. Thorbin accepted his proposal and journeyed back to Alderaan to share the news with her family, but tragically, she was killed when the first Death Star annihilated her home planet.

Not long after the [Battle of Endor](/article/battle_of_endor/legends], Griggs resigned from his position at the Botor Income Ministry and enlisted in the New Republic Defense Fleet with the intention of avenging Thorbin's death. By 10 ABY, Griggs was serving as a navigator aboard the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Emancipator, a vessel that had been liberated by the New Republic, and he actively participated in the Battle of Calamari.


Early life

On the icy world of Kerensik, nestled in the Botor Enclave, lived Kane Griggs, a Human male. Until he journeyed beyond his home planet to study at an Imperial university, Griggs had only ever known winter. He pursued studies in politics, aspiring, like many of his peers, to secure a stable and comfortable position within the bureaucracy. He remained largely indifferent to the events of the Galactic Civil War, only voicing objections to a select few policies of the New Order. His ambitions leaned more towards becoming an economist rather than dedicating himself to the service of the Empire.

During his initial year at the university, Griggs experienced the season of autumn for the first time, finding its vibrant colors particularly appealing. One day, while returning from a lecture and preoccupied with counting leaves, he inadvertently bumped into another student, Marfa Thorbin. As they gathered their scattered books and began to converse, Griggs offered to treat Thorbin to a cup of chav. Despite his initial embarrassment, Griggs was surprised to discover that Thorbin had also been counting leaves. She explained that she had grown up on Alderaan, where she had experienced a variety of seasons. She shared her aspirations of becoming an aquatic xenologist and exploring ocean worlds.

Griggs and Thorbin found themselves enrolled in two of the same courses and cultivated a friendship as study partners. They kept in touch throughout the winter break, and upon reuniting in the spring semester, they delighted in the arrival of the new season. Over the years, their friendship blossomed into love, culminating in Griggs proposing marriage to Thorbin. She accepted, and they began planning their wedding, with Thorbin returning home to inform her parents. Tragically, Thorbin was killed in 0 BBY when the first Death Star obliterated Alderaan, preventing their wedding from ever taking place.

New Republic service

For several years following this tragedy, Griggs worked for the Botor Income Ministry, until the Rebel Alliance declared their victory over the Empire at Endor and established the New Republic. Motivated by his love for Thorbin and his hatred for the Empire for her loss, Griggs resigned from his job and enlisted as a recruit in the New Republic Defense Fleet. Despite some questioning his suitability for service aboard warships, Griggs found contentment in his life within the New Republic. Eventually, he fell in love with and married another woman, and they had a child.

Griggs (far left), carries out General Calrissian's orders.

By 10 ABY, following the resurgence of the resurrected Emperor Palpatine, Griggs was serving as a navigator on the Emancipator, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer captured and repurposed by the New Republic. As the Emancipator was traveling towards the planet Calamari, General Lando Calrissian, the commander of the vessel, instructed Griggs to chart a course two degrees away from the origin point of a recently intercepted Imperial transmission that revealed the devastation inflicted upon the planet. Griggs confirmed that the Emancipator's navicomputer was capable of executing such a course correction. Subsequently, he took part in the Battle of Calamari, where he engaged in combat against the Empire's World Devastators.

Personality and traits

During his time at the university, Kane Griggs sought a tranquil existence, actively avoiding conflicts like the Galactic Civil War. He demonstrated little interest in the Empire's policies, focusing primarily on his academic pursuits. He was particularly captivated by the autumn season, fascinated by the diverse colors displayed by the changing leaves. Griggs's emotions often dictated his actions, such as his decision to join the New Republic following Marfa Thorbin's death, driven by his love for her and his animosity towards the Empire. When questioned about his motivations for fighting for the New Republic, Griggs would offer various reasons, omitting Thorbin, whom he considered his most significant motivation. Griggs possessed proficiency in astrogation, capital ship piloting, and the operation of repulsorlift vehicles.

Behind the scenes

Kane Griggs made his initial appearance as a minor, background character in the third issue of the Star Wars: Dark Empire comic book series, published between 1991 and 1992, authored by Tom Veitch and illustrated by Cam Kennedy. His backstory was significantly expanded upon in the 1993 Dark Empire Sourcebook by Michael Allen Horne.

