Kerensik, a terrestrial world, was situated within the Kerensik system, which itself was located in the Southern Core region of the Core Worlds. This planet was also part of the Allied Region that was known as the Botor Enclave, and it can be found at planet. On Kerensik, only winter existed, making it a perpetually frozen planet. The trees on Kerensik were unique, possessing spines instead of the typical leaves found on trees of other planets. Kane Griggs was born and spent his formative years on Kerensik.
Griggs departed Kerensik for the first time some years prior to the Galactic Empire's destruction of Alderaan with the Death Star superweapon in 0 BBY. He journeyed to another planet and enrolled in an Imperial university to study political science. Griggs was astonished by the difference between the autumn season on that world and the constant winter of his home planet, Kerensik.
During the struggle between the Empire and the New Republic, the Botor Enclave proclaimed its sovereignty, leading its constituent planets, Kerensik among them, to establish their own protective federation.
The initial mention of Kerensik occurred in the 1993 Dark Empire Sourcebook, a product of Michael Allen Horne's writing and West End Games' publication under the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game banner. The 2009 reference work, The Essential Atlas, pinpointed the Kerensik system, and consequently the planet Kerensik, within grid square K-12.