
From 72 BBY until at least 32 BBY, Karlo, a Human male chef, was employed at the Darkside repair asteroid station. Like many who resided on Darkside, he possessed a gruff exterior, yet revealed warmth when impressed.

Having previously been in the service of Riboga the Hutt, he continued his employment under Riboga's replacement, Nirama, after Riboga's departure. His experience working for a Hutt made him try his best to avoid politics. Instead, he preferred to stay abreast of local happenings, a practice that enabled him to exert influence over the other residents of Darkside. Karlo was aware of The Cell, a group aiming to overthrow Nirama. However, due to his lack of standing, Karlo couldn't speak with Nirama, and he regarded The Cell as an insignificant group of young troublemakers lacking real power (an assessment that held true only when referring to The Cell's members within Darkside). He was also aware of the stories surrounding the enigmatic "green room," a room that supposedly shifted locations within the asteroid for no discernible reason.

In 32 BBY, Karlo's kitchen was a foul-smelling and disorganized space, overrun with exorants. He was frequently given temporary kitchen helpers, whom he tasked with cleaning the kitchen (including pest control) and creating menus based on the ingredients on hand.

