Katya M'Buele, a smuggler hailing from Corellia, shared a brief romantic connection with Han Solo early in their lives, serving together aboard a Corellian rim-runner. She fought alongside Solo during the Battle of Ylesia, and they were the only two to survive a disastrous smuggling operation on Skye. They reunited briefly in 0 ABY on Tirahnn, but M'Buele met her death soon after, falling victim to a smoke demon summoned by Kharys, the Majestrix of Skye.
A female human from Corellia, Katya M'Buele embarked on a career in smuggling during the Imperial Period, serving with a young Han Solo on a Corellian rim-runner. They became lovers, and once barely escaped with their lives from a failed smuggling attempt on the restricted world of Skye, where they were captured and pursued by Kharys, the Majestrix of Skye, a dangerous Dark Jedi who had been trained by the Sith Lord Darth Vader. M'Buele and Solo were the only two survivors out of the twenty Corellians who had traveled to Skye. However, their relationship ended when Solo left to pursue his own smuggling endeavors after the Battle of Ylesia.

M'Buele was among the few smugglers who received payment for her involvement in the fighting on Ylesia, where an alliance of Rebel forces and a smuggler fleet engaged the Besadii Hutts. She and fellow smuggler Zeen Afit celebrated their earnings lavishly and shared the news with Dash Rendar. In 0 ABY, M'Buele briefly crossed paths with Solo again on Tirahnn, where Solo had become involved with the Rebel Alliance. After a brief reunion aboard Solo's Millennium Falcon, Solo and M'Buele discovered that Solo's friend Luke Skywalker had encountered Kharys, who had been hunting Solo since their escape from Skye. Although M'Buele wished to accompany her former lover in his search for information that night, she remained on the Millennium Falcon at his request. However, the ship proved to be just as dangerous as the streets of Tirahnn, as M'Buele was killed in her sleep by a smoke demon, a dark side entity summoned by Kharys.
Katya M'Buele made her debut in Star Wars Annual (1977) 1, penned by Chris Claremont and released in 1979. In that issue, she was illustrated by Mike Vosburg and Steve Leialoha. The character Arwen Cohl in the 2001 novel Cloak of Deception by James Luceno was originally named Margrave M'Buele, as an homage to Katya M'Buele.