Skye, a world situated within both the Outer Rim and the Western Reaches, was a planet. Circa 394 BBY, Axel Greylark, who was the son of Kyong Greylark, a Senator in the Galactic Republic, journeyed to various locations across the galaxy, eventually finding his way to Skye.
In 382 BBY, Binnot Ullo and Goi Ganok, members of the Path of the Open Hand cult, transported a shipment of the klytobacter bioweapon to the Eiram system. After being caught, they fabricated a story, claiming they were actually carrying protein concentrates from a station near Skye to Shuraden when pirates attacked them. During questioning on Eirie, the moon of the Eiram system's, Ullo maintained his initial narrative, but the interrogators remained skeptical. Ultimately, Gamok inadvertently revealed that he and Ullo originated from Dalna, thereby dismantling their fabricated tale about Skye.
Within the Outer Rim Territories and the [Western Reaches](/article/western_reaches], Skye was a planet whose location was designated as H-19 on the Standard Galactic Grid. This world was situated relatively close to the Dalnan sector within the Outer Rim.

Around 394 BBY, during the High Republic Era, Axel Greylark, the son of Galactic Republic Senator Kyong Greylark, was dispatched by his mother on a recreational tour of the galaxy. This trip was intended to broaden his perspective and aid his recovery following the death of his father, Lexxir Greylark. However, Axel cut short the tour, taking his father's starship, the Eventide, and his droid QN-1 to visit various locations before eventually arriving on Skye. By the time he got to the world, Axel had depleted his money and Kyong had stopped funding his escapades as a disciplinary measure.
Consequently, he sought employment and took up smuggling to sustain himself. Eventually, Axel decided to leave Skye and return to Coruscant, a planet in the Core Worlds, entering a recurring pattern of briefly re-entering high society before fleeing again to indulge his desires. While serving as a Republic envoy for his mother, who had become the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, on E'ronoh, an Outer Rim planet, in 382 BBY, Axel recounted his travels to Skye to Gella Nattai, a Jedi Knight, noting its proximity to their current sector.

During the same year, Binnot Ullo and Goi Ganok, operatives of the Path of the Open Hand cult, were dispatched to the Eiram system aboard a transport carrying the klytobacter bioweapon. Their mission was to disrupt the delicate peace between E'ronoh and Eiram, its twin world in the Outer Rim. The duo intentionally sabotaged their ship, with the intention of landing on Eirie, the system's moon. Their plan was that the bioweapon on board would be discovered, thus instigating conflict within the Eiram system. When Plana Van, an Eirami Captain, boarded their vessel, Ullo deceived her by claiming they were transporting goods from a station near Skye—using the Eiram system as a shortcut—when they were attacked by pirates.
Upon investigation, Van discovered the klytobacter, leading to Ullo and Ganok's detention in an Eirie waystation. Char-Ryl-Roy, a Jedi Master, along with Enya Keen, a Jedi Padawan, Phan-tu Zenn, a Prince, and Xiri A'lbaran, a Princess, visited the two operatives. Throughout the interrogation, Ullo insisted that they were unaware of the klytobacter, stating they were merely hired to transport protein concentrates from near Skye to Shuraden. He elaborated on his story, adding details to enhance its credibility, mentioning his responsibility to his family and his care for Ganok as a relative, all of whom resided near the planet.

The Jedi and royals grew suspicious of the operative's polished delivery of his Skye story, sensing its rehearsed nature. During a brief tour of Eirie, Ganok mentioned Dalna and their childhood games of pin dice there. Now aware of Ullo and Ganok's ties to the Path of the Open Hand, the Jedi and royals pressed them about the klytobacter's origins, despite Ullo's attempts to steer the conversation back to Skye and away from Dalna. Shortly after, Ganok was killed when the situation escalated into violence, and Ullo managed to escape Eirie. Subsequently, A'lbaran, Char-Ryl-Roy, and Keen traveled to Dalna to speak with Yulon Onning, an Elder of the Path of the Open Hand, regarding the two individuals' story about transporting goods from Skye to Shuraden. However, Onning felt threatened by the conversation and accused them of acting in bad faith, leading to a breakdown in negotiations.

Skye's introduction into current Star Wars canon occurred through a map featured in Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, a roleplaying boxed set from Fantasy Flight Games released in 2016. Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Skye, also identified as Marat V, was a planet that debuted in Star Wars Annual 1, a 1979 installment of Marvel Comics' Star Wars comic books series from 1977. This issue was penned by Chris Claremont and illustrated by Mike Vosburg.
In Legends, the article "The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel Series," published by Wizards of the Coast within the first issue of the Star Wars Gamer magazine in November 2000, placed the planet within the Marat system, also called the Skye system. The Marat system received its first mention in current canon in Path of Vengeance, a 2023 novel by Cavan Scott for Phase II of Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project, though no connection to Skye has been confirmed.