Zeen Afit

Zeen Afit, a Human male with a rugged face, operated as a smuggler and was the individual who initially showed Han Solo the location of Smuggler's Run. He was the owner of a freighter called the Corona.


Like many in his profession, Zeen provided support to the nascent Alliance to Restore the Republic during their fight on Ylesia. Unlike Han and numerous others, he and Katya M'Buele were not swindled by the Rebels.

While investigating the Senate Hall bombings perpetrated by Kueller in 17 ABY, Han later encountered Zeen on Skip One in the Run. He allied himself with Han and Chewbacca in their mission to save Lando Calrissian from the clutches of the crime boss Nandreeson, alongside Kid DXo'ln, Wynni and Ana Blue. Unbeknownst to Han, Afit's allegiance truly belonged to Nandreeson. Once the rescue team arrived at the pool within Nandreeson's chamber, Afit betrayed Han, along with Kid and Wynni. Upon Nandreeson's order, Afit, Kid, Wynni, and Nandreeson's guards attempted to eliminate Solo, Calrissian, and Chewbacca (Blue remained neutral during the conflict). Solo submerged himself to evade the blaster fire and the fiery exhalations of the Glottalphib guards, pulling Afit down into the water with him. Afit was taken by surprise and was unable to inhale before being dragged underwater. After a fierce struggle with Solo, he ultimately succumbed to oxygen deprivation. Solo released Afit and surfaced to assist Lando and Chewbacca. The unconscious Afit descended to the pool's bottom, where he drowned moments later.

