Ana Blue

Ana Blue, also referred to as Sinewy Ana Blue, was a Human smuggler of the female persuasion who managed the sabacc games located at Skip 1 within the Smuggler's Run area. The moniker "Blue" was given to her because she had a blue gem set into one of her tooth.


Ana Blue, a Human smuggler of the female variety, was someone from whom Han Solo frequently won significant sums of credits. Their initial meeting occurred while Han was still an apprentice in the smuggling profession. She turned down his romantic gestures, deeming him too inexperienced for her tastes.

During the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, Ana participated by flying the Dragon Pearl, Jiliac the Hutt's private yacht, which also served as the flagship for the smuggler squadron.

In the year 17 ABY, Ana became entangled in a scheme to smuggle illicit Imperial merchandise to Kueller for use in his war against the New Republic. After Davis, a man she had affections for, was killed by a bomb planted by Kueller, she divulged every detail she knew about the operation to Solo, including Kueller's plot to entice him so he could use him to attract Leia and Luke, with the ultimate goal of assassinating them. Despite this, Kueller later told his aide that Blue had fulfilled her role admirably and instructed that her compensation be doubled as per their prior arrangement.

