Davis, a Human smuggler of the male persuasion, offered assistance to Han Solo and Chewbacca aboard Skip 5 during an assault by Glottalphib bounty hunters employed by Nandreeson.
In the asteroid belt region of Smuggler's Run, Davis first sought to align himself with Han Solo on Skip 5. He provided assistance to Solo in negotiations with Jawa merchants on Skip 5, and discharged the blaster shot that resulted in the death of Iisner, an aide to the crime boss Nandreeson, which caused Solo to view him with some suspicion. He was romantically involved with Ana Blue, and met his end in 17 ABY when droids rigged with explosives by Kueller detonated on Skip 1. The droids were not intended for the Skip, and the demise of Davis, along with all the others who perished, was purely accidental. The intended destination for the smuggled droids was Coruscant, where they were to detonate and eliminate some of the remaining Senators.