Doctor Kaum, a male Mon Calamari scientist, made his mark during the Galactic Civil War era. He held expertise in weapons technology, specifically beam weapons by the Battle of Yavin. In 1 ABY, Jabba the Hutt, a notorious crime lord, hired Dr. Kaum to create weapons for his organization located on Tatooine. However, Lady Valarian, head of the Valarian criminal syndicate and Jabba's chief rival, learned of the scientist's arrival on Tatooine. Because the Mon Calamari was unfamiliar with Jabba's henchmen, Lady Valarian's lieutenant Ind instructed a spacer to collect him before Jabba's forces could. Consequently, the spacer met Kaum when he arrived in Mos Eisley and escorted him to Ind at the Lucky Despot. Unsuspecting of the deception, Dr. Kaum later began employment with the Valarian syndicate.
Kaum appeared as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. Dr. Kaum was included in the original game release, specifically as part of the Lady Valarian's Quest Series.
The "Publish 23" update on August 31, 2005 deactivated Lady Valarian's Quest Series, which resulted in Dr. Kaum's removal from the game.