
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, a Gran of the female gender, known as Ind, engaged in criminal activities on the desert planet of Tatooine. She was an employee of Lady Valarian.


Following the events of the Battle of Yavin, Ind began her service under Lady Valarian, who headed the Valarian criminal syndicate. Her workplace was the Lucky Despot cantina located in Mos Eisley's. Ind was one of Lady Valarian's two primary subordinates; the other was a Chiss by the name of Kavas Urdano. A tense relationship existed between Ind and Urdano, as they were in competition for Valarian's favor.

The Lucky Despot

In the year 1 ABY, the conflict between Lady Valarian and her chief rival on Tatooine, the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, escalated into an outright war. During this period, Kavas Urdano enlisted the aid of skilled spacers for various assignments. These adventurers later found themselves working for Ind, who equipped them with Republic blasters. In one of their initial tasks, the spacers successfully rescued a guard from Valarian's compound. This guard was transporting a rill casserole intended for Lady Valarian, having taken it from one of Jabba's underlings. Subsequently, Ind received information that Kaum, a scientist specializing in beam weapons, had been recruited by Jabba. Given that the scientist was new to Tatooine and unfamiliar with Jabba's associates, Ind assigned a spacer to intercept him before Jabba's thugs could. Thus, the spacer encountered Doctor Kaum upon his arrival in Mos Eisley and brought him back to Ind at the Lucky Despot. Deceived into thinking he was working for Jabba, the scientist unknowingly began his work for the Valarian syndicate. Not long after, Ind learned that the assassin Roden Venthrall had been contracted to assassinate Lady Valarian. Ind immediately sent a spacer to locate and eliminate the assassin before he could carry out the murder. Later on, Ind discovered Jabba's scheme to contaminate the water supply of the Lucky Despot. Fortunately, the spacers managed to kill Jabba's three enforcers and recover the poisoned rations. Following this, Lady Valarian instructed Ind to steal a valuable avian egg that Jabba had ordered for his chef Porcellus to prepare. The spacers successfully stole the egg from Jabba's enforcers. Lady Valarian, extremely pleased with this outcome, then requested Ind to have the spacers work directly under her command.

Behind the scenes

Ind featured as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. It was shut down on December 15, 2011. Ind was included in the original version of the game, as a component of Lady Valarian's Quest Series.

The release of "Publish 20" on July 19, 2005 included an announcement that the "Valarian Quest Series" would be gradually removed during "Publish 22" to make room for a redesigned questline during "Publish 23." The narrative of this new Themepark centered around the rivalry between Ind and Kavas Urdano. The original Valarian Quest Series was completely deactivated by Publish 23 on August 31, 2005. However, the proposed replacement questline was never fully implemented. Ind remained in the game, but no longer played a role in any quests.

