Kazen Harn was a male Human scientist and medical practitioner. He practiced his profession at the Mos Eisley Medical Center located on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War era. After the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, Harn encountered a spacer who had been sent to him by Trehla Keelo. Keelo was a resourceful local of Mos Eisley known for assisting people in their search for employment. Harn imparted some basic medical knowledge to the spacer and gifted them a stimpak for their journey.
During the Galactic Civil War era, a male Human named Kazen Harn worked as both a scientist and a medical professional. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Harn could be found working at the Mos Eisley Medical Center, a hospital situated in the city of Mos Eisley on the desert world of Tatooine within the Outer Rim Territories. This conflict was between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Trehla Keelo, a resourceful Human female from Mos Eisley, dedicated herself to helping travelers secure suitable employment. She once directed a certain spacer to meet with Kazen Harn, instructing them to deliver a viewscreen. Harn accepted the viewscreen and proceeded to provide the spacer with fundamental medical information. He explained that bacta shots could remedy physical damage. He also clarified that stimpaks offered a rapid healing boost, even without medical training. To assist the spacer, Harn gave them a stimpak. However, he cautioned that severe injuries required treatment at a medical center or by a trained doctor. He advised the spacer to learn proper healing techniques before hunting. The spacer thanked Harn for his advice and returned to Trehla Keelo for more assignments.

Kazen Harn appeared as a non-player character in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game from 2003. This video game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts before its closure on December 15, 2011.
With the release of Publish 17.0 on May 26, 2005, Kazen Harn became part of a simple New Player Tutorial quest called "Time for a Break". In this quest, players delivered a viewscreen to Harn in Mos Eisley for Trehla Keelo. Harn then provided information on how to heal wounds and damage, rewarding the player with a stimpack A device. Although players could lose the viewscreen or not complete the quest, this article assumes full completion. Harn's appearance, based on the "scientist_human_male" template, was randomly selected from two possible Human male depictions. Both depictions showed him with fair skin and brown eyes, which this article considers canon in the Star Wars Legends continuity. After the New Game Enhancements in Publish 25's release on November 15, 2005, the New Player Tutorial was revamped, and Trehla Keelo was integrated into the new Legacy Quest series. The quest involving Harn was removed, but he remained in the Mos Eisley Medical Center, available for brief interactions with players.