Kenkirk, existing during the Galactic Civil War era, held positions of commander and officer within the ranks of the Imperial Navy.

Kenkirk joined the Imperial Navy and achieved the rank of Lieutenant. By 1.5 ABY, he was serving on the Imperial Star Destroyer Blackguard under the command of Captain Andal Sait. When Sait made the decision to become a renegade and sell his vessel to the criminal Black Sun syndicate, Kenkirk also betrayed the Empire and remained loyal to Sait. He assisted in assessing the loyalty of other officers and successfully convinced several fellow crew members to side with the treacherous Captain.
Kenkirk was stationed on the Blackguard's bridge when chief engineer Olum activated all of the ship's TIE Fighters to send a warning message to the Empire about Sait's betrayal. Because Olum had deactivated the ship's tractor beams, most of the fighters were destroyed. Following this event, Sait elevated Kenkirk to the rank of Commander.
Eventually, word of Sait's betrayal leaked out, and a team of heavily armed spacers was dispatched to the Blackguard. The spacers boarded the vessel and successfully fought their way through the ship, heading towards the Star Destroyer's bridge. Kenkirk was waiting for them close to the bridge and engaged the adventurers with heavy weaponry, but he was killed during the confrontation. Soon after, Sait also met his end, and the spacers seized control of the Blackguard.
Commander Kenkirk appeared as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Kenkirk's inclusion in the game was part of the "Star Destroyer" Heroic Encounter, introduced with the release of the "Chapter 8" update on January 15, 2008. Kenkirk served as the second-to-last boss that player groups had to overcome in their attempt to defeat the rogue Imperials and regain control of the Star Destroyer Blackguard.