Kihraxz Fighter Expansion Pack

The Kihraxz Fighter Expansion Pack serves as an addition to the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game produced by Fantasy Flight Games. This expansion includes a meticulously crafted miniature representing the Kihraxz assault fighter. Its initial release occurred on September 2, 2015, integrated within the seventh wave of game expansions.

Summary from the Publisher

A Black Sun Ace pilot in a Kihraxz assault fighter.

The Kihraxz, inspired by the design of Incom's well-known X-wing starfighter, was custom-built for the Black Sun criminal organization. Their elite pilots required a swift and potent vessel to complement their exceptional abilities. This starship is introduced to X-Wing™ as a versatile, compact Scum and Villainy spacecraft, boasting an attack value of three, agility of two, hull strength of four, and a single shield. The Kihraxz Fighter Expansion Pack provides you with one of these miniature starfighters, expertly pre-painted and scaled to the game's standard 1/270 ratio. Moreover, the package contains four ship cards, five upgrade cards, a maneuver dial, and all necessary tokens for deploying this fighter in any conflict where the galaxy's Scum have a stake.

What's Inside

Within the Kihraxz Fighter Expansion Pack, you'll find a miniature starfighter, a maneuver dial, action tokens, along with pilot cards and upgrade cards.

Starship Parts

  • Kihraxz assault fighter miniature
  • Plastic base component
  • Two plastic pegs
  • Two Ship tokens
  • Maneuver dial for piloting
  • Critical Hit marker
  • Two Focus markers
  • Evade marker
  • Two Shield markers
  • Six ID tokens (labeled #41-42)
  • Target Lock Tokens (Y,Z)
  • Stress marker

Included Cards

Pilot Identification Cards

Enhancement Cards

  • One Crack Shot card
  • One Lightning Reflexes card
  • One Predator card
  • One Homing Missiles card
  • One Glitterstim card

Additional Information and Citations

Nar Shaddaa served as the background of the expansion packaging.

Resources Online

  • Kihraxz Fighter Expansion Pack available on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • "Hit Them Hard and Fast" article on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • "Lightning Reflexes" article on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • "Wave VII Scum and Villainy" article on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • "Start Your Attack Run" article on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
