Kitmum, a Wookiee Jedi of the female persuasion, instructed the Physical Education class at the Jedi academy located on Coruscant during the period when Roan Novachez was a student. Her course was notoriously difficult, pushing the students to their utmost physical endurance. The curriculum featured frequent games of soccer, dodgeball, and various stretching exercises.
Communication with the students was sometimes a challenge because her primary language was Shyriiwook. Roan even created comic strips attempting to decipher Kitmum's frequent utterances. On one occasion, she served as a chaperone for a field trip to the planet Kashyyyk, providing translation for the students, although this mainly involved her growling alongside them. Roan commented, "We were fortunate to have her as our guide," noting that Kashyyyk was Kitmum's homeworld, providing valuable local knowledge. At the school's Satine Hawkins dance, she requested a dance with Mr. Garfield, which he accepted with some hesitation.