Satine Hawkins dance

Satine Hawkins Dance Roan Novachez at the Satine Hawkins dance

A Satine Hawkins dance signified a unique social gathering involving dancing, specifically within a school environment. The distinguishing feature was that girls extended the invitations to boys, a deviation from the conventional custom. One such dance was held at the Jedi academy, situated inside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, for its students around 195 BBY.


Lackbar, a Mon Calamari female who worked as a librarian in the Jedi Archives and taught public speaking, announced the dance as a social event for the student body. This dance, which took place near the start of the academic year around 195 BBY, was considered special because the female students were supposed to invite the male students as their dance partners, going against the typical arrangement.

Roan Novachez felt excitement about the dance and assisted his friend Bill, who was the dance's DJ, in moving the equipment. However, once Roan truly grasped the concept of the dance, he started hoping that Gaiana, the girl he liked, would ask him to dance. Because of this, he spent most of the evening wandering around, getting refreshments, and generally being alone. He eventually found Gaiana, but the dance concluded before he could act. While Bill seemed happy with how it went, Roan appeared displeased when Bill remarked on the dance's success.

During the event, Pasha, Roan's friend, danced together with Shi-Fara. Additionally, instructors Kitmum and Mr. Garfield also danced together, although Mr. Garfield, a Zabrak known for being strict, seemed reluctant at first to dance with the Wookiee.

Behind the scenes

The dance's title is clearly a play on words that references the real-world Sadie Hawkins dance tradition in schools, where female students invite male students, and the name "Satine," which is the first name of duchess Satine Kryze.

