Kitwarr, a Wookiee Silverback of the male variety, came into this world in 15 BBY. He and his father, Wullffwarro, were subjected to slavery under the oppressive rule of the Galactic Empire. He toiled in the spice mines located on Kessel, until a small group of rebels, with the Jedi Kanan Jarrus at the helm, rescued him and his fellow Wookiee captives. During the escape, a stormtrooper pursued Kitwarr, but Ezra Bridger, a human gifted as Force-sensitive, intervened to assist him. Agent Kallus trapped the pair on a catwalk; however, they managed to flee and board the starship Ghost. Kitwarr then found his father again; he, his father, and the other liberated Wookiees were rescued by an Auzituck anti-slaver gunship.