Kivvaaa was a Wookiee of the female persuasion. She existed during the era of the Galactic Civil War, serving as the patrol leader for the Myyydril. This tribe resided within the Myyydril Caverns found on the planet Kashyyyk. Not long after the Battle of Yavin, Kivvaaa was on duty at the cavern entrance when she came across a spacer traveling through the area. Like many Myyydril, she viewed outsiders with suspicion. However, after a conversation, the spacer rapidly earned her confidence. The spacer expressed a desire to aid the Myyydril with the Urnsor'is spider problem that had long troubled the tribe, and Kivvaaa directed the individual to the Myyydril's chief, Kallaarac.
During the Galactic Civil War, Kivvaaa, a female Wookiee, belonged to the Myyydril—a reclusive, multi-species group dwelling in the Myyydril Caverns of the Kkowir Forest on Kashyyyk. She held the position of patrol leader, guarding the cavern entrance against unwanted visitors. Throughout this time, the Myyydril faced constant harassment from Urnsor'is spiders that had taken over the caverns, resulting in the deaths of numerous Myyydril, particularly the younger members. Kivvaaa suffered the loss of her entire right arm due to infection by the flesh-eating Poltur Virus during one of these spider attacks. Subsequently, she replaced the missing limb with a cybernetic one.
Shortly following the Battle of Yavin, Kivvaaa found herself stationed at the mouth of the Myyydril Caverns. It was here that she encountered a spacer who was trying to get inside. Sharing the Myyydril's general distrust of outsiders, Kivvaaa initially refused entry, demanding to know the traveler's purpose. However, the spacer—who could understand Kivvaaa's Shyriiwook language—simply wished to explore the region.
Feeling bad about her initial impoliteness, Kivvaaa offered an apology. She explained the extreme dangers present within the caverns due to the Urnsor'is infestation, stating she didn't want the spacer to be killed by the spiders. The spacer then proposed to assist the Myyydril in eradicating the Urnsor'is threat. Now trusting the spacer due to their kindness, Kivvaaa permitted entry and directed them to the Myyydril chief, Kallaarac. Eventually, the spacer successfully gained the trust of Kallaarac and the rest of the tribe, and managed to eliminate the Urnsor'is infestation completely.
Kivvaaa, like most Myyyndril, held a suspicion of strangers, demonstrated when she initially blocked the spacer's entry to the caverns. However, the spacer quickly earned her confidence by showing an understanding of the Wookiee language, Shyriiwook—a rare trait among outsiders—and expressing empathy for the Myyyndril's situation. Kivvaaa felt deep sadness over the loss of many young Myyyndril to the Urnsor'is and did not want the spacer, whom she considered young, to suffer the same fate. Kivvaaa had dark brown hair.
Kivvaaa's debut occurred in Rage of the Wookiees, a 2005 expansion for Star Wars Galaxies. In the video game, Kivvaaa serves as the initial character that the player interacts with during the "Myyydril Trust" quest line. After a brief conversation, she allows the player to progress further in the quest. While participation in the quest is optional, this article assumes total game completion.