
Koltine, a planet situated in Wild Space, existed as part of the Koltine system (its star system), which itself was located within the Jahilid Drift region. Following the Galactic Empire's establishment by more than a decade, Bentilais san Sk'ar, the Imperial General who was a Kaleesh, spearheaded a military force to conquer Koltine and other planets in the Jahilid Drift. Sk'ar's successes in this area significantly enhanced his standing among the Imperial admirals.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to Koltine occurred in the 2007 Hyperspace article "Aliens in the Empire, Part 2: To a Traitor Go the Spoils," which was authored by Abel G. Peña and Rich Handley. While the reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia from 2008 situated Koltine within the Jahilid Drift, characterizing it as a region of the Outer Rim Territories, The Essential Atlas book from 2009 instead placed the Koltine system, and consequently Koltine, in grid square L-21, classifying it as part of Wild Space.


Notes and references
