Kondo-class assault shuttles saw utilization throughout the galaxy after the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War, during the era that followed. These shuttles featured landing gear in an S-shape, along with wings that had a downward curve. The Lost Tribe of Sith had obtained no fewer than four of these vessels by the year 44 ABY, incorporating them into their Sith armada. A single Kondo-class shuttle, specifically the Obuuri, served as transport for a minimum of fifty Sith, among them High Lord Sarasu Taalon in addition to Sith Saber Gavar Khai, to the moon known as Pydyr with the objective of locating both Luke Skywalker and Abeloth. The Obuuri suffered destruction on its journey to a Fallanassi village situated on Pydyr, during the search for Abeloth.