
title: Obuuri

The Obuuri was an assault shuttle of the Kondo-class that operated within the galaxy around 44 ABY. At this point in time, the Lost Tribe of Sith had commandeered it and integrated it into their military fleet. When Vestara Khai, a Sith apprentice, requested backup on Pydyr in 44 ABY, the Obuuri was dispatched. Aboard were High Lord Sarasu Taalon, Sith Saber Gavar Khai, and numerous other Sith warriors. While on Pydyr, the Obuuri accompanied the Jade Shadow in a search for Abeloth. However, Fallanassi illusions within the White Current caused the Sith aviators to miss a cliff face, leading to the Obuuri's crash and the resulting fatalities of all those onboard, as well as the destruction of the personnel carrier.

